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Angel Matcher

Dear Laura,

Our boys are going to be one year in just two days. What can I say, it has been a very challenging and rewarding year for us. They are all doing great and we can't be happier or ask for more. We want to Thank you for giving us the best gift of live to be a parent. During this journey we've been through so much pain and troubles until we found you and you gave us hope. I think at that point I was ready to give up but you didn't let me and we now have these three little angels. You found the best surrogate we can dream of. She is the most carrying person I know and she took the best care of our boys during their first seven month of their lives. We wanted to make an announcement for her on one of the surrowebsites if possible or if you can do it on our behalf so everybody knows that Yvonne is a very special person in our lives and always be in our hearts. Just please don't mention our full names, we still conscious about it.

"Special is a word that is used to describe something one-of-a-kind like a hug or a sunset or a person who spreads love with a smile or kind gesture."Special" describes people who act from the heart and keep in mind the hearts of others. "Special" applies to something that is admired and precious and which can never be replaced. "Special" is the word that best describes you.

Please, find attached some recent photos of our boys.

Big Thank you from "M"'s family


Dear Laura,

Thank you just does not seem like enough for the most important person on my "dream team".  Iam so grateful that "Angel Matcher" was there for me at a time when I thought I was going to fall to pieces. (honestly)

One of the greatest gifts was finding you.... Of course the other two are Kristin & Olivia!  Thank you Laura for your support, kindness & compassion.

Without your help, I would not be (finally) at peace or sitting here trying to express how truly grateful I am to you. 

You are an amazing and very special woman.

On behalf of all the intended parents I/We are so blessed that you are there for us to help create a family....

Thank you our dear "Angel"

God Bless you,

All my love,

***Olivia Rose was born on Friday 12/16, 2005 via an amazing GS - Kristin from NY!***

About 12 years ago, I went to full term and had a baby boy weighing 8lbs. 13 oz.  That day will never be erased from my memory.  The baby that I had carried and wanted more than life itself was born  dead with the umbilical cord around his neck .  Never a day goes by that I don't think about him and wonder what would have been.  However, life went on.  I had divorced and remarried. My husband and I were ready to start our family.  We tried several months.  After several years and numerous surgeries, I  ended up with a beautiful baby girl as a result of IVF.  
After 2 years, we wanted another baby and also a sibling for our daughter. Laura Fretwell found  the most beautiful person, Paula, weI could ever had hoped for and we took out on our journey.  The 2 embryos were growing and dividing well as was reported to us the day before the transfer.  We were told to expect a call the next am to let us know the exact time of the transfer.  However, the next a.m. at 11:45 we were told that the embyros had "arrested".   All 3 of us were completely heartbroken.   At 5:15 pm we received a phone call stating the doctor wanted us in the office immediately.  We rushed to the office and was met by the embryologist who informed us that earlier that morning, when he had initially looked at the embryos, they had not divided into 8 cells.  
Then in the afternoon, after they had finished for the day and were about to leave the office, he took one more look, and WOW!! They were ready to be transferred.  We transferred 2 blasto and waited for 6 days.  The first beta tests results were in but the assistant would not give us the results stating "Have them repeated in 2 days".  Well, 2 days landed on a Saturday and the lab was not open.  We therefore had to wait 4 days, until Monday to repeat the test. 
When the assistance called on Monday she said,"  I think we need to repeat the test again as the first beta was 5.5, the second which should double every 24-48 hours (which would have been 22) was now 82."  She was afraid there had been a lab error.  We just about lost it .  One minute the embryos are dead, the next they needed to be transferred, , the next we may be pregnant, the next too good----lab error.  The 3rd beta was drawn and the result tripled.  We were definitely pregnant.  Last week, 5 weeks later, we heard the heartbeat.  God is so AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Laura, for everything.  You have been my side through this journey and continue to be.  I couldn't have done it without you. 
With Love, Barbara, Tim & Paula
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Matching Angels... Making Miracles....

Matching Angels, LLC dba Angel Matcher

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