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Angel Matcher
Attention Florida Experienced Surrogates

AM Surrogacy, LLC is looking for Experienced Surrogates 

The perfect surrogate would be:

  • 24-45 years of age
  • Has had a prior history of successful IVF pregnancy
  • Insurance to cover pregnancy and birth
  • No complications
  • Willing to allow Intended Parents in room at time of birth
  • Ready to begin immediately
  • Must have a pregnancy within the last 2 years
  • Compensation negotiable

Please contact us immediately at:

Or fill out the form below.

Baby Blessings,

Laura Fretwell

If you have questions, or would like more information, please leave your name and contact information.
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Matching Angels... Making Miracles....

Matching Angels, LLC dba Angel Matcher

Office: 321-308-1156
Cell: 321-917-7346
*Please call for appointment*

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