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Angel Matcher

Hi!  We are Ann & Matt a happily married couple currently living in Orlando, Florida.  Let me start by giving some background information on our story.  We always wanted to be parents, but for some reason we couldn't get pregnant.  No medical reason for our infertility was ever discovered; however, after many failed pregnancies/miscarriages, the doctor recommended IVF.  We were told that we would be lucky to get one or two viable embryos, and our doctor's jaw actually dropped when we ended up with SIX amazing PGS normal little embryos! 

In 2014, two embryos were transferred to me, and we ended up with our first child, an amazing daughter in 2015!  However, I had a horrible and dangerous pregnancy that resulted in an emergency C-section one month before the due date, and I ended up needing to have a hysterectomy.  

Matt and I are pro-life, and always wanted each embryo we created to have a chance to fully develop and join our family. We were able to match with a gestational carrier that carried boy/girl twins for us and they were born in 2018! The same gestational carrier originally agreed to carry for us again in 2020, but changed her mind for personal reasons. So we went through the matching process again last year, and were matched with a new gestational carrier to give the last two embryos (both boys) their chance to grow. Literally two weeks before the transfer, she was medically disqualified from carrying.  It was heart breaking to get that far into the process and then not be able to move forward.  However, we believe that everything happens for a reason and in God's perfect timing.  

As mentioned above, we have two remaining boy embryos.  One is a high-quality, five-day embryo.  The other is a lower-quality, six-day embryo.  Statistically, we were told that the most likely outcome from a DET is a single birth, but again, that's in God's hands.  

We feel incredibly blessed with our three amazing children, and our hobbies/interest all involve family activities.  Each week we have one night designated as family game night, and one night designated as family movie night.  We also have what we call, "Your time and My time"  where we plan one-on-one activities with each child.  Pre-pandemic, we were avid Disney goers and hope to resume those activities soon! 

We would love to match with someone that shares our family values.  Strong communication, collaborative decision making, and many laughs were some of the keys to the success of our first journey.  We are ready to complete our family, and you are a huge part in making that happen!  We look forward to meeting you and hopefully starting an amazing journey together!   

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Matching Angels... Making Miracles....

Matching Angels, LLC dba Angel Matcher

Office: 321-308-1156
Cell: 321-917-7346
*Please call for appointment*

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